Monday, March 3, 2008

The persuite.

The knowledge of her was brought to Him by the people. It was this knowledge of her that brought the desire, for her, to Him. And it was His desire for her that brought Him back before the Elders. ~back before the Elders~ They warned Him, "Don't look her in the eyes". The crowds cheared Him on, cheared him in His pursuit, cheared as the straps where tightend, fastening His armor to Him. He had no need to look for her. As He approached her He diverted His eyes to save them. He fought she evaded. His gaze passed over hers and He was stone. Unlike the rest there, He had the Elders they came restored him, reminded him, and left. He went back and did it again, and... again, and again. Over and over and the Elders continued to free and remind Him. Then again as He passed through the forest of stone men He relized, they never had to tell Him where she was all the gazes of stone, the ones that had gone before Him pointed the way. She never left there, she never searched out to destroy, the voices of the people brought knowledge of her and from that the search for her. He realized there was no mastery of her, he had to lay down that persuit to go back to the town to tell them no, to silence there cheers, and tell them to silence there storys.